Join us for a special private viewing of the Bloom Documentary, “Free to be Me.” This eye-opening and inspiring documentary follows Nary Sok’s journey of rebuilding her life after escaping sex-trafficking in Cambodia. The 40-minute film depicts her healing process and her current life as a world-class cake decorator, business owner, and mentor to other survivors. Traveling from Southeast Asia to Washington, she meets the team that rescued her from sex trafficking as a child, sharing her profound transformation and hopeful reminder that God is still performing miracles today.
Where: Parklands Christian Centre (Church Auditorium)
When: Saturday 7th September 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Cost: Free
This event is open to all ladies and girls over the age of 13yrs from Parklands Church, College and our wider community. Viewing for young ladies 13 & over is at the discretion of their parents.
To RSVP click the website link below to register your attendance for catering purposes and book your free tickets online. Feel free to bring a friend or neighbour.
For more information call Amanda Young, Outreach Coordinator